Juan F. Riveros has a doctoral degree in economics and master’s degrees in economics and financial engineering from the University of Michigan. He has over 20 years of consulting experience in business valuation, financial analysis, and the calculation of economic damages.  Riveros has provided expert testimony in arbitration proceedings under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), as well as Federal and State Courts in the United States, and the Superior Court of Justice in Canada.

Prior to joining Quadrant Economics, Dr. Riveros was a Senior Economist with Econ One Research and a Principal Economist with Nathan Associates. Earlier, he was an Associate with Banco Santander, where he provided advisory services to large corporations and governments in Latin America focusing on mergers and acquisitions, fixed income, and equity transactions.  Riveros has also been a Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the George Washington University.

Compañía de Electricidad de San Pedro de Macorís S.A. v. Corporación Dominicana de Empresas Eléctricas Estatales & the Dominican Republic
ICC, Case No. 25459/JPA
Expert reports: February 2022, October 2022 (with Dr. Daniel Flores)
Hearing testimony: November 2022
Power generation, electricity

Desarrollo Vial de los Andes S.A.C v. Republic of Perú
ICSID, Case No. ARB/20/18
Expert reports: April 2021, February 2022
Hearing testimony: September 2022

Gente Oil Ecuador Pte. Ltd. v. the Republic of Ecuador
UNCITRAL, Case No. PCA 2018-12
Expert reports: March 2020, February 2021, October 2021 (with Dr. Daniel Flores)
Hearing testimony: June 2021 Oil and gas

XXX v. YYY (Confidential)
ICC, Case No. #####/###
Expert reports: October 2020, June 2021, August 2021, October 2021 (with Dr. Daniel Flores

XXX v. YYY (Confidential)
ICC, Case No. #####/###
Expert reports: November 2020, August 2021 (with Dr. Daniel Flores)
Agriculture, power generation, electricity

In Re: Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) Antitrust Litigation
United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Oakland Division
Master File No. M-02-1486-PJH
Declaration: May 2016
Computer memory chips

Brickman Group, Ltd. vs. John Ashenfelter, et al.
Maryland Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Case No. 401842V
Expert report: November 2015
Commercial landscaping services

Westminster Mutual Insurance Company, v. TYC Brother Industrial Co. Ltd., et al.
Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Court File No.: 62732
Expert report: January 2014
Automotive parts

RECARO North America, Inc. v. Holmbergs Childsafety Co. Ltd., et al.
Case No. 2:09-cv-12256-MOB-MKM
Expert report: July 2012
Deposition testimony: August 2012
Automotive seating

CEMEX Caracas Investments B.V. and CEMEX Caracas II Investments B.V., v. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
ICSID Case No. ARB/08/15
Expert report: September 2011 (with Dr. Russell L. Lamb)
Cement Manufacturing

Dr. Maya Dangelas and Tan Tao Investment & Industry Corporation (ITACO) v. The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
UNCITRAL, Case No. PCA 2023-06
Real estate development, power generation, electricity

APM Terminals Callao S.A. v. The Republic of Peru
ICSID, Case No. ARB/21/28
Transportation and storage

Dr. Maya Dangelas; U.S. Global Insitute, Inc.; and Angels Company, Inc. v. The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
UNCITRAL, PCA Case No. 2020-05
Power generation, electricity

Telefónica, S.A. v. The Republic of Peru
ICSID, Case No. ARB/21/10

AES Corporation v. Republic of Argentina
ICSID, Case No. ARB/02/17
Power generation, electricity

XXX v. YYY (Confidential)
ICC, Case No. #####/###
Industrial products

BayWa r.e. renewable energy GmbH and BayWa r.e. Asset Holding GmbH v. Kingdom of Spain
ICSID, Case No. ARB/15/16
Power generation, electricity

Dominicana Renovables, S.L. v. Dominican Republic
CCI Case No. 23364/JPA
Power generation, electricity

DCM Energy GmbH & Co. Solar 1 KG and others v. Kingdom of Spain
ICSID, Case No. ARB/17/41
Power generation, electricity

Sevilla Beheer B.V. et al. v. Kingdom of Spain
ICSID, Case No. ARB/16/27
Power generation, electricity

Lidercon S.L v. Republic of Perú
ICSID, Case No. ARB/17/9
Transportation services

JGC Corporation v. Kingdom of Spain
ICSID, Case No. ARB/15/27
Power generation, electricity

Green Power Partners K/S and SCE Solar Don Benito APS v. Kingdom of Spain
SCC, Case No. SCC V 2016/135
Power generation, electricity

Corcoesto, S.A. v. Kingdom of Spain
UNCITRAL, Case No. PCA 2016-26

Cube Infrastructure Fund SICAV et al. v. Kingdom of Spain
ICSID, Case No. ARB/15/20
Power generation, electricity

Stadtwerke München GmbH et al. v. Kingdom of Spain
ICSID, Case No. ARB/15/1
Power generation, electricity

Holcim Limited, Holderfin B.V. and Caricement B.V. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
ICSID Case No. ARB/09/3
Cement Manufacturing

In Re: Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Antitrust Litigation
Case No. 1:14-md-2508
Served as economic consultant on behalf of indirect purchaser plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving cast iron soil pipes and fittings.

In Re: Domestic Drywall Antitrust Litigation
MDL No. 2437 13-MD-2437
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving paper‑backed gypsum wallboard.

Meredith Corporation, et al., v. SESAC, LLC, et al.
Case No. 09 Civ. 9177 (PAE)
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving licenses for copyrighted musical compositions in the SESAC music repertory to full-power commercial local television broadcasters.

In Re: Skelaxin (Metaxalone) Antitrust Litigation
Case No.: 2:12-cv-4
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving Skelaxin (Metaxalone).

Michelle Fairhurst v. Anglo American PLC, et al.
Supreme Court of British Columbia, No. S 071209
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving gem grade polished diamonds.

Jabo’s Pharmacy, Inc., et al. v. King Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Case No. 31,973, Circuit Court for Cocke County, Tennessee
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving Skelaxin (Metaxalone).

Eugene Allan, et al., v. Realcomp II, Ltd., et al.
Case No.: 2:10-cv-14046
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving real estate brokerage services.

In Re: Titanium Dioxide Antitrust Litigation
Case No.: 10-cv-00318-RDB
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving titanium dioxide.

Daesang Corporation against The NutraSweet Company, NutraSweet IP Holdings, Inc. and, Sweeteners Holdings Korea LTD,
ICC, 15 641 / VRO
Served as economic consultant on behalf of NutraSweet in an international arbitration matter.

In Re: Puerto Rican Cabotage Antitrust Litigation
Master Docket No. 08-md-1960 (DRD)
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust matter involving cabotage services along the U.S.-Puerto Rican trade route.

In Re: Aftermarket Automotive Lighting Products Antitrust Litigation
Case No. 09‐ML‐2007 GW (PJWx)
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust matter involving aftermarket automotive lighting products.

In Re: Pressure Sensitive Labelstock Antitrust Litigation
No. 3:03-MDL 1556
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving self‑adhesive labelstock.

In Re: Urethane Antitrust Litigation
No. 04-MD-1616-JWL, U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas\
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving Toluene Dissocyanate (TDI), Methyl Dyphenil Diisocyanate (MDI) and Polyether Polyols.

Shawn Sullivan, et al. v. DB Investments, Inc., et al.
No. 04-02819 (SRC), U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving gem quality polished diamonds. The case involved estimating the pass-through rate from rough diamonds to diamond jewelry, and the allocation of a proposed settlement between the end-consumer and reseller subclasses.

Churchill Medical Systems, et al. v. Medegen Holdings, et al.
No. 03-6458, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in an antitrust case involving a medical device.

In Re: Publication Paper Antitrust Litigation
Docket No. 3:04 MD 1631 (SRU)
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving publication paper.

Kathleen Conroy, et al. v. Fresh Del Monte Produce, Inc. et al.
J.C.C.P. No. 4446, Superior Court of the State of California, County of Alameda
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving extra sweet pineapples.

Alco Industries, Inc, v. DuPont Dow Elastomers LLC
Case No. 1:04CV00588
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving Polychloroprene Rubber.

In Re: Rubber Chemicals Antitrust Litigation
No. MDL-1648, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving Rubber Chemicals.

In Re: Carolyn Fears, et al., v. Wilhemina Model Agency, Inc., et al.
Case No. 02-CV-4911, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
Served as economic consultant on behalf of plaintiffs in a class action antitrust case involving models.

VFB LLC, vs. Campbell Soup Company, et al.
Case No. (02-137), U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware
Served as economic consultant on behalf of VFB in a commercial litigation case involving a fraudulent conveyance action against Campbell Soup Company.

NASD v. Invemed
Served as economic consultant on behalf of the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) in a case involving allegations of profit-sharing activities that took place in late 1999 and early 2000 in connection with “hot” IPOs Invemed sold to its customers.