Quadrant’s Damages Expert Testifies in Belgian Shipping and Container Terminal Arbitration

Quadrant’s damages expert, Dr. Flores, was retained by the Kingdom of Belgium (“Respondent”) as quantum expert in an arbitration initiated by DP World (“Claimant”) under the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union – United Arab Emirates Bilateral Investment Treaty and the ICSID rules (ICSID Case No. ARB/17/21).

The dispute arose from the Antwerp Port Authority’s repossession an unused portion of a container terminal concession at the Port of Antwerp granted to Antwerp Gateway, a subsidiary of DP World.

The hearing on quantum was held in February-March 2023 in London.  The Tribunal (President: Prof. Juan Fernández-Armesto, Co-arbitrators: Prof. Stanimir A. Alexandrov, and Prof. Brigitte Stern) issued an award on 15 February 2024 for €41 million, which has not been made public.

Respondent was represented by Taylor Wessing.  Dr. Flores was supported by a Quadrant team that included Dario Gatti and David Landers.